Groove away with The Lo & Behold Group
For the month of June, enjoy pizzas, gin cocktails and a costume party with Extra Virgin Pizza, The Rabbit Hole and OverEasy.
Lifestyle and gourmet food mavens, The Lo & Behold Group will launch their inaugural month-long festival featuring parties, workshops and culinary events, over their different restaurants. Kick-starting the fiesta is a food fight at Extra Virgin Pizza at Asia Square on 2 June, where chef Ming Tan and Artichoke’s Bjorn Shen will compete to create the best pizza. For the gin lovers, swing by The Rabbit Hole on 8 June for a Drink Your Greens gin masterclass. Then end the month-long extravaganza with OverEasy Orchard’s The Rivervale Special, a costume party inspired by the popular television series, Riverdale. Visit their website at