Sip zero-waste cocktails at these 13 bars

After the successful launch in 2021, Flor de Caña Zero Waste Cocktail month is back with the support of 13 bars across town, including Nutmeg and Clove, Papa Doble and Tippling Club.

Last year, the initiative saved 10.4 tonnes of food with the help of 400 bars worldwide. In 2022, the bar is set higher. The aim is to reduce 15 tons of food waste globally – waste that’s inadvertently generated by the bar, find ways to repurpose it and inspire bartenders to think sustainably and incorporate meaningful, sustainable practices in their everyday operations.

zero waste flor de cana, Sip zero-waste cocktails at these 13 bars

Leading the effort is the sustainable rum, Flor de Caña. Not only is the tipple crafted using 100 percent renewable energy, but it is also fair trade and carbon neutral.

Among the chosen bars, Papa Doble delivers a stiff expresso martini, the Pop Didi Pop, made with spent coffee and cocoa nibs from which they make their homemade coffee liqueur. The bar is already sustainable and a perfect ambassador for the zero-waste movement.

At Set of Six, try Roots and Grains, where the rum is flash infused with toasted grains of farro, black sesame, wild rice, and quinoa to amplify nuttiness, balanced with carrot caramel and garnishes of blackened carrot crisp made from scrapped carrot skin.

Night Hawk’s Total Synastry is named after the synergy of using the banana fruit in its entirety. The rum base is stirred with banana syrup steeped from peels, and Amontillado sherry and presented with dried banana flesh as garnish. The result is a harmonious and balanced drink, checking all the right boxes.

The month-long campaign runs from 15 August to 15 September and will include a spectacular party on Sunday, 4 September 2022, at Low Tide, with guest shifts from participating bars.

For a complete list of participating bars, visit the Zero Waste website.