At a time of uncertainty with disease and virus raising questions over health and food safety, consumers are ever more watchful over food choices and their origins. Although we can rest assured that Singapore’s food security is ranked top in the Global Food Security Index, our high reliance on foreign produce imports is something to think about.
Local entrepreneurs have met the call for action, leveraging technology to refine processes and boost local production. The Aqua Centre of Excellence (ACE) Fish Market joins local farmers to provide consumers with fish that is chemical-, hormone-, and vaccine-free in its floating containment fish farm called Eco-Ark®.
Eco-Ark® fish are grown in conditions similar to that of a clean, deep seawater ocean environment, guaranteeing a taste profile that is clean and fresh. Fish lovers are able to order their favourite cuts of grouper, sea bass or barramundi from ACE Fish Market.
Promotional bundle deals at $35.53 and $81.36 are available for the Ramadan period (ends May 23). Standard delivery charge of $8 applies, with free delivery for orders over $80. To order, log on to