Enjoy exclusive offers at Meliá Bali with MeliáRewards loyalty programme

The crown jewel of beachfront resorts in Nusa Dua, Meliá Bali, invites discerning guests and travellers to enjoy exclusive benefits and privileges through its loyalty programme, MeliáRewards. The programme is the answer every traveller seeks when it comes to world-class quality service that goes beyond in delivering remarkable experiences for its member.

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Nusa Dua shoreline within Meliá Bali’s premises

Amidst the eleven hectares of tropical garden in Nusa Dua, Meliá Bali offers a charming five-star destination for a memorable holiday.  Aside from direct access to the idyllic white sand beaches, the resort’s spacious rooms are suitable to accommodate couples or families. Meliá Bali also has more on its sleeve for guests who join its loyalty programme.

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Bicycle-riding, an experience provided at the Meliá Bali’s property

Encompassing more than four-hundred rooms and villas with diverse selections, from Premium Room Garden View to Lagoon Access Junior Suite, the seaside haven is one to cater desires for all types of lush experiences. For those who prefer a more personalised service and privacy-warranted stay, the resort’s The Level is most suggested.

That said, expect a highly-tailored guest experience and exclusive offers when you become a member of MeliáRewards. Receive loyalty points for every booking and reservation, members-only discounts, and surprises for your benefit.

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Lagoon Access Junior Suite, Meliá Bali

MeliáRewards membership benefits are available to exchange with the points gained through reservations and purchases made at the resort. Not to mention, there are countless opportunities and more possibilities to earn and redeem the points with no hassle, allowing you to utilise your points flexibly. Save more time in every transaction as members are privy to being the resort’s top priority.

Being a top priority at Meliá Bali will elevate your overall experience. With many activities and facilities to try, earning and redeeming loyalty points is a walk in the park. Especially when it comes to its culinary destinations, savouring different fares from every corner of the world seems feasible at its restaurants.

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A Japanese-style tatami room at Sakura Japanese Restaurant, Meliá Bali

Taste Mediterranean-inspired cuisines at Sorrento Mediterranean Restaurant or opt for the beachside table at the Sateria Beachfront Restaurant. For the authentic taste of Japan, head to Sakura Japanese Restaurant, while Southeast Asian delights are available at Lotus Asian Restaurant.

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Sateria Beachfront Restaurant, Meliá Bali

The resort has several bars with different charms for different moods, namely Lobby Bar, Lagoon Bar, Mount Agung View Bar, Tapas Bar, and Taman Surya Bar. From exquisite stays and services to delectable cuisines at the restaurants, you can expend their MeliáRewards points or earn more points while having the time of your life.

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The YHI Spa at Meliá Bali

Don’t miss having a rejuvenating experience through ancient Balinese-inspired rituals and treatments at the YHI Spa. Bask in nature’s blessing while being pampered with massages and cleansing treatments at the tranquil venue overlooking the sea. Earned points are acceptable to exchange for sessions at YHI Spa. You can also benefit from up to 25 percent off by providing your MeliáRewards upon bookings.

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Swing and hammock at the Nusa Dua beach, Meliá Bali

Members can expect more exciting and exceptional offers in different loyalty levels as the level goes up from White, Silver, Gold, to Platinum. The resort is committed to elevating MeliáRewards members’ experiences.

For information and reservations at Meliá Bali, call +62 361 771 510 or email reservation.meliabali@melia.com