
Beat the stay-at-home blues with these 5 staycation ideas

Ceasing travel plans amid these turbulent times is becoming an increasingly common practice, but that doesn’t mean you should refrain from pampering yourself. Here’s a comprehensive guide on the best ways to enjoy a home away from home.

Stay clean and green with these eco-friendly hotels

Who says you need to rough it out to be eco-friendly? Here’s our list of the best eco-friendly hotels in Tasmania, Ethiopia, Sri Lanka and Indonesia, where you’ll have a wild time – but in luxurious settings.

4 places for a quick Chinese New Year getaway

As Chinese New Year approaches, take some time away from the noise and hectic atmosphere. We’ve rounded up four places in Vietnam, Thailand, the Philippines and Cambodia for that perfect getaway.

5 chic new hotels to visit in Indonesia

Here are 5 new hotels to visit in Indonesia, from total rejuvenation of the body and soul in Bali, to cosmopolitan comfort in Jakarta, to a luxurious stay off the beaten track in Yogyakarta.