With a décor characterised by vintage electrical circuit boards, rubber flooring and hanging light bulbs, Bar Ampère appears more like a clandestine R&R club in a factory than a watering hole for Melbourne’s thirsty urbanites. The bar, located above an old but operational subterranean electrical substation, is intent on spreading the joy of enjoying apéritifs. Perk up your palate with some Quinquina—bitters flavoured with quinine—such as the Dubonnet Rouge (A$9) from Paris, or unwind over a sweet, vanilla-like Carpano Antica Formula (A$10) vermouth from Torino and the smooth Vya Dry (A$10) vermouth from California.
16 Russell Place, Melbourne, Victoria 3000. Tel: +61 3 9663 7557
Excerpt from the March issue of epicure.