Wine & Drinks

An American affair

Join us at Lawry’s The Prime Rib for an exclusive five-course menu with matching vintages from Top Wines on 23 November.

The right plot

Sandro Mosele, the renowned Pinot Noir makers, thinks Australian wines can boost their status as a serious wine making country by focusing more on the best of what their terroir offers.

Promising Chilean

It hasn’t snagged awards in the global arena, but signs show that PengWine winery, which names its wines after different penguin species native to South America, has plenty of potential to draw plaudits their way.

Grape generations

Sabrina Tedeschi was once teased by a schoolteacher that she was born in fermentation tanks. The Italian, who hails from a long lineage of vintners, tells Lin Weiwen more about her passion for the family business.

Mistress of the vine

Even though females are not traditionally successors of family wine businesses in Burgundy, Anne Parent found herself running Domaine Parent in a twist of fate.

Taking on the big boys

Wine estate Errázuriz believes New World Chilean wines can better their Old World counterparts.

An Italian affair

Join us at the newly opened Gattopardo restaurant for an exclusive four-course menu with matching wines from Top Wines on 26 August.