lila cita

Sniffing for clues

Laurent Ponsot, owner of Burgundy’s Domaine Ponsot, explains how he became a winemaker-turned-detective as he took on a wine scandal that shook Burgundy.

The non-conformist

Winemaking and bureaucracy should not mix, says Tuscan vintner Paolo De Marchi, who has made a name for himself by taking unconventional routes in his winemaking career.

Picking apart the grapes

Confused by the terms and rules in the world of organic, biodynamic and natural wines? We cut through the jargon and tell you what you should know.

Handcrafted labour

In an age of modern winemaking, Emidio Pepe is an anomaly. He still hand-decants each bottle of wine before release and avoids ageing them in barrels.

Street smart winemaking

No vineyards? No problem. A new breed of wineries are setting up shop in American cities, and even letting customers make their own quaffs.

10 great things on the drinks scene

With wines going au naturel and indigenous sake shaping up to be the celebrated toast on everyone’s lips, 2014 looks set to be an exciting year for adventurous tipplers.

Rating the service

At the 4th Southeast Asia Sommelier Competition, sommeliers had to overcome stage jitters and tricky challenges to prove their mettle to judges. Lin Weiwen spends a day with them behind the scenes.

No shortcut to success

Susana Balbo overcame several setbacks—including a failed winery—and tells Lin Weiwen how she bounced back to become one of the icons of the Argentinian wine industry.

The pruner who never calls in sick

Automated technical workers are now trundling their way into vineyards. The next glass of Chardonnay you drink may have had its vines pruned by a robot.



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